BETA Tester

Are you passionate about sustainability and keen on testing innovative products? GreenFlush is looking for BETA Testers to provide valuable feedback on our eco-conscious bathroom solution before its official launch. Your insights will help us fine-tune our design, ensuring it meets the high standards of functionality and environmental friendliness our users expect.

Hast du Lust innovative Produkte zu testen? GreenFlush sucht BETA-Tester:innen, die Feedback zu unserem Toilettenhänger vor dem offiziellen Start geben. Deine Einsichten helfen uns, unser Design zu verfeinern und sicherzustellen, dass es den hohen Anforderungen an Funktionalität und Umweltfreundlichkeit entspricht, die unsere Nutzer erwarten.

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Las colaboraciones están cerradas en este momento

¡¡ La campaña ya ha finalizado !!
Esta plataforma de crowdfunding não garante que os projetos sejam completados e financiados. É responsabilidade do promotor do projeto entregar todas as recompensas ou detalhes simbólicos comprometidos com os contribuintes.
Você precisa de ajuda técnica?
  • 659 57 09 53 (whatsapp)
  • 659 57 09 53 (S-S 10:00 a 15:00)